Quattro Zampe in Fiera 2018 at the Mostra d'Oltremare in Naples: competitions and events for dogs and cats

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Quattro Zampe in Fiera arrives at the Mostra d'Oltremare in Naples: events, sports activities and competitions for dogs and cats are scheduled!

Il 26 and 27 may 2018 in Naples stops the most important event in the pet sector in Italy: it is Four Paws at the Fair, this year in its fifth edition. The event will take place in pavilions 4, 5 and 6 of the Mostra d'Oltremare with a very rich program of events dedicated to dogs and cats with so many activities for their health and controlled behavior and there will be routes, obstacles, tunnels, walks, skill tests and much more.

The appointment introduces visitors to the animal world with insights also on nutrition, relationship between animal and human and health. In collaboration with the Virgin Active Village you can participate in sports activities in the company of your credit. They will also be organized competitions for dogs: between these, the Dog Splash, the Agility Dog and the Acqua Dog.

An area is planned forexposure of the breeds, but also a Doggy Show designed for dogs without pedigree. The beauty salon on care and hygiene will show how to take care of our four-legged friends, with tips and suggestions on the treatments to be adopted.

The race-rescue simulation in the rubble, organized by CSEN Soccorso and Trainer. The public will thus be able to know the rescue activities that the dogs play next to the Civil Protection for save lives.

Dog Activities program

The individual lessons go book on the official website.

Aquadog and Splash Dog Trainer - SICS

Approach and support in water of dogs, even the most scary ones. For the more experienced, the third stage of the Splash Dog CSEN race, Sunday at 15.00.
External area

Educational path and Dog Agility - The voice of the dog

Obstacles, tunnels, slaloms, walkways.
External area

Rally Obedience - The voice of the dog

Teach the dog a controlled and collaborative behavior.
External area

Socialization class - The dog's voice

Always to teach the dog a controlled and collaborative behavior with other dogs, one learns to understand the language of his body in the presence of other subjects.
External area

Mental activation and communication - Smart dog

Experienced instructors will offer psychomotor exercises to promote body awareness and elements of canine communication.

Virgin Active Village

With towels, rugs and prizes for their dogs, visitors can, for the first time, try real physical exercises accompanied by their four-legged friends in Virgin Active Village!

Disc Dog - Smart Dog

Test your skill in throwing the disc and your dog's readiness to get it back.

Information on Quattro Zampe in Fiera

When: 26 and 27 may 2018

Where: Mostra d'Oltremare, Viale JF Kennedy 54, Naples


Timetables: from 10 to 19 - last entry 18 hours

Contacts: Official site | Facebook page | info@quattrozampeinfiera.it | tel. 0362 163 62 18

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Written by Laura Keys
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