The landing fee on Capri will be doubled from 2024 April XNUMX

Starting from 1 ° April 2024, tourists who visit the picturesque island of Capri will find themselves facing something new: the landing fee it is destined to double.

This measure will be in force during the busiest period of the year, i.e. from April 1st to October 31st, coinciding with the island's tourist season. This change, which aims to increase funding for the island, is a significant step in the management of Capri's tourism resources.

How much will the landing fee cost on Capri?

Il doubling of the landing fee on Capri is not a decision taken lightly. From 2,50 €, the tax will increase to 5 €, a significant increase that will take effect from 1 ° April and will be applied until 31 October 2024. This increase will affect all visitors to the island, except residents, who will be exempt. The goal of this move is to generate significant extra revenue for the island during its busiest tourist season.

The increase in the landing tax could have different effects repercussions on tourists. In particular, it could influence so-called "hit and run" tourism, i.e. those visitors who spend little time on the island. For regulars, those who frequent Capri regularly, the impact may be less felt. However, for those planning short stays, such as a family weekend, the additional cost may be a factor to consider.

The reasons for the increase

The decision to increase the tax was taken by municipal council of Capri, led by the mayor Marino Lembo. The proposal, put forward by the budget councilor Salvatore Ciuccio, was organized in synergy with the deputy mayor of Anacapri, Franco Cerrotta. This administrative move is seen as an inevitable step towards adjusting the island's financial resources in view of the high tourist season.

The additional funds raised through the increase in the landing fee will be used to improve reception of tourists in Marina Grande. Furthermore, it is planned to invest a part of these funds for improve services offered to both residents and visitors. This includes covering additional costs related to the increased tourist influx during the warmer months.

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