Rotonda Diaz in Naples, construction of kites on the waterfront

Construction of kites at the Rotonda Diaz in Naples

Construction of kites at the Rotonda Diaz in Naples

Construction of colorful kites at the Rotonda Diaz wing of the Naples waterfront for the whole day!

On the occasion of the May Neapolitan, a rich program of events that enhances the Made in Naples, the event will be organized "Naples city of a thousand colors" Saturday 13 May 2017 to the Round Diaz.

Sul Lungomarein fact, they will be able to build colorful kites together with political refugees that are in the city and anyone can participate. It will be an important one moment of aggregation social and cultural and a way to learn about the history of refugees fleeing unsustainable situations.

The initiative will last all day and is organized by AICS, the Italian Culture Sport Association and the participation is completely free. It is just one of the many events of the Neapolitan May that are included in the broader program of the May of the Monuments.

Information on the kite event

When: 13 May 2017

Where: Round Diaz

Working time: from 10.00 am to 20.00 pm

Price: free participation

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