May of the 2017 Monuments in Naples: the program of events

Program of the May of the 2017 Monuments in Naples
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The program of the May of 2017 Monuments in Naples, dedicated to Totò with many events, exhibitions, shows and guided tours!

Il May of the 2017 Monuments will be entirely dedicated to Totò, along with everyone else events for Antonio De Curtis conceived in the city on the occasion of the 50 years since his death. For this reason, the event was titled 'or May in Totò while the specific program with all the events has been called ColTotò, thanks to all the reflections that the Prince of Laughter still inspires today.

The many initiatives, in whose realization participated both the institutions and the associations that every year commit themselves for this event are divided into shows, concerts, performances, guided tours, tourist routes with special thanks to the Carabinieri who will participate with a musical tribute. It will be a concert that will take place on May 5 in Market Square, the one that hosted one of the three great funerals for Totò.

Among the many initiatives, also the program of the May Neapolitan that enhances the Made in Naples excellence.

The events will take place from the April 28 to the 4 June, then giving the la to the many other events that will introduce summer in Naples and that will certainly continue to pay homage to Totò.

May Program of 2017 Monuments

In the program that follows we point out some of the most important events, referring to the site of the Municipality (at the end of the article) for the complete program.

Events for Totò

Thanks Totò

From April to July

An artistic project with the participation of visual artists and poets who interact with the tragicomic art of Totò. I will be a journey through the urban fabric of Naples divided into Chapters:

Totò Genio

From the 12 April to the 9 July

An exhibition in three different locations to discover Totò's universal art and his relationship with cinema, television and advertising. The details in the our dedicated article.

Pinocchio in the heart of Naples

From 8 April to 30 June

An exhibition in the Church of the Santissima Annunziata with illustrations and drawings by important artists from 1901 to today and the original animated coffee-makers by Riccardo Dalisi. Calls Totocchi they are a clear reference to the link that existed between Totò and the figure of Pinocchio. The our article for all the details.

What do you say Totò

From the 26 April to the 16 May

Hundreds of Italian and international artists exhibit their works for dialogue with Totò. All the info in the article on What do you say Totò.


From 11 May to 30 June

An original exhibition in which Totò's face will be reproduced by thousands of recycled metal caps, thanks to the inventiveness of the artist Luigi Masecchia. The details in the article on show T'Appost.

The Spirit of Totò

In Piazza San Domenico Maggiore and in the inner courtyard of the Church a very suggestive show for Toto among colored lamps, balloons in flight, an artificial forest and poems by Neapolitan artists. Our article for the event program.


Helmut Newton

From the 25 February to the 18 June

One of the most important photographers of the 900th century, Helmut Newton immortalized above all the female figure. In the exhibition al PAN 200 shots from three of his books. The our article on the exhibition for all the details.

Windows on Gaza

From May 20 to 6 June

The works of the Shababik collective of Gaza city on display.
a project by FotografiSenzaFrontiere onlus and the Italian Center for Cultural Exchange "Vik" Gaza, with the friendly participation of Andrea Camilleri and the Pepetra Cultural Association.
Where: Church of San Severo al Pendino, via Duomo 286
Timetables: 9-19.00 / 9-14 hours
Info: | Photographers without borders

Naples Unveiled - between Sacredness and Esotericism

From April 20 to May 4 and May 22 to 4 June

Photographic exhibition by Mario Zifarelli, an exciting journey of images and texts present in Naples full of hidden beauties or not very visible even by the citizens who live there. Different shots from the usual and details of an esoteric symbolism hidden among alleys, palaces, churches and squares.
Where: Cloister Santa Maria La Nova
Info: 081 5462321 | Ziffarelli

Guided tours

Antonio, Prince of Naples

30th April

By the cultural association NarteA.
Where: appointment at the Banco di Napoli Historical Archive
Working time: 11.30
Info and reservations: | 3397020849

Misery and Nobility

30th April

Edited by Parteneapolis
Where: meeting at Piazza Monteoliveto
Working time: 9.30
Price: €8
Info and reservations: | 3203512220

47 Dead speaking… at the Fontanelle Cemetery

14st May

By the ASD and APS VIVIQUARTIERE Association
Where: appointment at the Materdei Metro Station
Working time: 11.00
Price: €5
mail cell. 33396304072

Protected marine area Submerged park of Gaiola (by boat)

14st May

By the Gaiola Interdisciplinary Study Center Association onlus
Working time: 10.30, 12.30 and 15.00
Price: €12
Info and reservations: | 3285947790

And if you had met Leopardi!… Vergiliano Piedigrotta Park a Temple of poetry in
heart of Naples

28st May

Organized by the Cultural Archeology of Naples
Where: appointment at the Mergellina Metro Station
Working time: 10.30
Price: €8
Info and reservations: | 3494570346

Other events

Vomero Fest

From the 12 14 May

A festival with events and shows in the heart of Vomero with the birth of the Via delle Stelle where the first will be dedicated to Totò. Our article on Vomero Fest for other details.

The faces of comedy from Tòò to Troisi

10st May

Giuseppina Scognamiglio, Totò is born - by the Department of Humanities, XNUMXnd level Master in dramaturgy and cinematography.

Where: University of Naples Federico II - Department of Humanities, room 342
Working time: 14.30
Info: | Department of Humanistic Studies 081 253 5537

Bach and his time

30th April

A youth orchestra of strings the Roma Youth String Orchestra in a classical concert between baroque and late baroque music from Vivaldi to Bach.
Where: Church of the Gesù Nuovo, Piazza del Gesù
Working time: 19.30
Price: free entry
Info: 3287087963; mail; Iolm

Musical paths

1st May

musical performance to enrich the free visit to the Museum at the end of which i
visitors will be involved in Body Percussion activities led by an expert and with
the use of famous symphonies
10 euro - under 18: 8 euro (the cost of the ticket includes a visit to the site and participation
Where: National Railway Museum of Pietrarsa
Working time: 11.00
Info: 3402399453 |

We talked to llengua nosta

13st May

Identity evening in Neapolitan language with presentation of books, exhibition of materials from the Bonelli Collection, show "O surdato 'e Gaeta" by Ferdinando Russo and Michele Zaccaro and a memory of Totò.
Where: Piazza Dante
Working time:
Info:;; cell. 3339603493 - 3332846352

Harmonic Naples

28st May

Introduction to harmonic singing for everyone with research of the inner sound and collective harmonization (2 hours introduction, 2 hours choir)
Where: Convent of San Domenico Maggiore, Sala del Capitolo
Working time: 17.30-22.00
Price: 10 euro (15 the couple)
Info and reservations: | 3334279479

100 artists on the Lungomare Partenope

28st May

100 Artists on the Lungomare Partenope, by the Napolarte Association. Parade of art and crafts with the performance of dancers, actors, musicians and poets.
Where: Lungomare Partenope
Working time: from 9.00 am to 20.00 pm

Information on the May of 2017 Monuments

When: from the April 28 to the 4 June 2017

Where: various locations in Naples

Prezzi: free and paid events

Info: City of Naples

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