Totò Genio exhibition in Naples at the Maschio Angioino, Palazzo Reale and San Domenico Maggiore

The “Totò Genio” exhibition in Naples is dedicated to the Prince of Laughter 50 years after his death.
The exhibition dedicated to Totò entitled “Totò Genio", In the context of the rich program of events for the 50 years of the disappearance. This exhibition, strongly desired by the Totò50 Association and will be held from 13 April at 9 July 2017 in three different locations: a Maschio Angioino, Royal Palace and in complex of San Domenico Maggiore.
It will be a "monumental event"Which will show material, too unprecedented, provided by the partners and co-organizers of the initiative including the RAI, the Campania Museum of Culture, the SIAE, the Department of Culture and Tourism, the Istituto Luce and of course the Association "Antonio de Curtis, in art Totò ", Also including 50 video and photo contributions by a very young Antonio De Curtis when he was young.
In addition to the announcement of the opening of the exhibition the Mayor has anticipated that within one month 18 will be opened formation School theater for young people at the world famous Palazzo dello Spagnuolo, in the heart of the Sanità district.
Exhibition at the Maschio Angioino
In the Castel Nuovo, in the Sala Palatina, the exhibition will be open from interviews with distinguished personalities like Dario Fo, Andrea Camilleri, Mina, Roberto Benigni and Fiorello who will tell what ties them to Totò and why they were inspired by him. Furthermore, there will be drawings that Federico Fellini for Totò and those that and Ettore Scola did for the magazine Amrc'Aurelio, as well as the dozens of Pasolini sketches for the episode “The witches” of the film “The Earth seen from the Moon”. The exhibition will continue with the drawings of cartoonists such as Manara, Pratt, Crepax, Pazienza, and Onorato and with documents by Zavattini and Pasolini.
Price: whole 6 euro | reduced 4 euro
Working time: from 10.00 to 19.00 (last entry to 18.30)
Exhibition at the Royal Palace
In the Sala Dorica, the exhibition will be dedicated to the relationship between Totò and the arts with the exhibition “Totò, what a show”. There will be movies, stage costumes and different multimedia installations to revive the Prince's interpretation of laughter. You can also read four unpublished poems.
Finally, there will be a gem, the trunk that Totò used on film sets and in theatres, generally kept by his son Federico who, for the occasion, donated it to the exhibition.
Price: whole 6 euro | reduced 4 euro
Timetable: from 9.00 to 20.00 (the ticket office closes at 19.00). Closed on Wednesdays
Exhibition in San Domenico Maggiore
There will be the section "Totò and the cinema"Set up in the Piccolo Refettorio with playbills and posters of his 97 films, and the"Totò and advertising”In which we will discover the role it played in the promotion of some Italian products. This is the case with the advertising of the Lambretta or the Perugina.
The last section is “No one will remember me”, a historic phrase with which he closed his last interview and in which images of his three funerals are shown (one in Rome and two in Naples, in Piazza Mercato and in the Rione Sanità).
Price: whole 6 euro | reduced 4 euro
Working time: from 10.00 to 19.00 (last entry to 18.30)
Information on the Totò Genio exhibition
When: from the 13 April to the 9 July 2017 (the Royal Palace closes on Wednesdays)
Where: Maschio Angioino, at Palazzo Reale and in the complex of San Domenico Maggiore
Prices: single ticket for each 6 euro exhibition cumulative ticket for the three 12 euro exhibitions (reduced 9 euro)