Valentine's Day 2017 at the Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory admiring the stars

Astronomical observations in Scampia
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Meetings, museum visit and star gazing for Valentine's Day 2017 at the Capodimonte Observatory in Naples!

For 14 February 2017 an event has been realized at the Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory in Naples which provides one visit to MUSA (Museum of Astronomical Instruments), an overview of the sky and the planets (weather permitting) by the astronomers and the UAN (Union of Neapolitan Astronomers) and some scientific interventions by Massimo Della Valle (director of the Observatory) and Edgardo FIlippone (UAN).

The event is the result of a collaboration between the Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory and the Neapolitan Amateur Astronomers Union. The promotion involves the payment of only one ticket per couple.

How to participate

To participate you need to fill out a form for each component of the pair indicating i personal data of the couple. Requests received within 16: 00 of the 13 February will be accepted, subject to availability.

If the booking has had negative outcomes for inaccuracy or for sold out, you will see an automatic notification message on your PC or smartphone.

It is recommended that attendees arrive on the evening of the event 30 minutes before the time of entry to buy the ticket directly at the Observatory.

Information on Valentine's Day under the stars

When: the 14 February 2017

Where: Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory, via Moiariello n.16 (Na)

Schedule: by 18: 30

Ticket price: € 5,00 per couple (no debit or credit card)

Info: Facebook event

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Written by Alessandro Ruggieri
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