Let's exchange a book to Scampia, flash mob against the Camorra in Naples

Bookmob in the Fuorigrotta district of Naples
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A flash mob against the Camorra in Naples with the event "Let's exchange a book in Scampia".

Il 29 April 2017 in Pope John Paul II Square in Scampia, appointment with "Let's exchange a book in Scampia - SpacciAMO Libri" organized by Students against the Camorra. It is a flash mob which takes place in many squares of Italy during which people exchange books.

This year the square of Scampia was chosen for to stress that this place is not just Gomorrah o spaccioma is also a land where people fight every day to restore value to the territory.

How to participate in the flash mob

To take part in the flash mob everyone has to bring a book wrapped as if it were a gift. If you wish, you can write a dedication, a quote, a sentence or a drawing on the paper. In the square you will find some employees with the basket of "SpacciAMO Libri".

You will have to put the book in the basket and deliver the ticket on which you will have indicated an advice or an idea to improve Scampia or your city of origin. Done this you can draw a book from the basket and only when everyone has one will you be able to snatch the gift cards and see what your title is. Your tickets will be used to draw inspiration for future initiatives.

Information on the Flash mob against the Camorra

When: the 29 April 2017

Where: Pope John Paul II Square in Scampia (Na)

Schedule: 11: 30

Info: Facebook event | Website | 388 62 82 285

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Written by Alessandro Ruggieri
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