Stash becomes a dad for the second time: rain of criticism for the name given to the child

Stash girl name controversy Stash girl name controversy

The Kolors Stash singer and model and influencer Giulia Belmonte have been inundated with criticism over the name chosen for their daughter born yesterday, the second child. of the couple

The birth of a new life should always be welcomed with enthusiasm and joy by all. For S e Julia Belmonte in fact it is like this: their second child Imagine she came into the world yesterday and her parents are filled with happiness. However, this is not the case for all fans of the couple.

Many have sent beautiful messages of congratulations and wishes, while others have harshly criticized the choice of the girl's name. There are those who have said that they will make fun of her when she grows up and who have joked about the possibility of Imagine Fiordispino to be able to change the name of the registry once an adult is of age.

The homage of the frontman of the The Kolors and of the influencer and model is obvious: a clear reference to the most beautiful song about peace of all time by John Lennon. However, the noble intent does not seem to interest the many keyboard lions who are indulging themselves on Twitter with different memes and more or less heavy jokes.

The controversial posts of Twitter users on the name of the daughter of Stash and Giulia Belmonte

“And I thought Blu Jerusalema Vacchi was a bit risky. But Imagine Fiordispino really beats them all. But as if it does. Poor daughter ", a user tweeted. There are also several references to the daughter of another singer, Get the Funds!, that is called Alma Futura.

Parents of Imagine they enjoy the little one born a few hours ago and, for now, they have not replied to those who have argued about the choice of the name. The happy news was given by them S e Julia Belmonte yesterday with a post on Instagram, which reads: “Imagine Fiordispino was born. There are no words that can tell what we are experiencing now ... ".

Contour words to two splendid images: in the first you can see the little hands of the newborn while in the second there are the two parents who are bursting with joy from all pores while admiring their newborn baby.

Image credits: Instagram profile The Kolors (@thekolors_stash)
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Written by Federica Massari
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