The Theater seeks Home, 18 shows in private apartments for the new season 2017 / 2018

The Theater looks for Casa seasons 2017/2018
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The Teatro cerca Casa is the theatrical review conceived by Manlio Santanelli who brings the theater in private houses, to cancel the distances between actors and spectators.

From 2 October 2017 will start the sixth edition of The Theater seeks Home, theatrical review edited by the playwright Manlio Santanelli and that for the past five years has revolutionized the conventional concept of "theater", bringing it back to its origins, to that intimate and close relationship between actor and spectator.

The particularity of this original and interesting initiative consists in the fact that all the shows, concerts, meetings and performances scheduled take place in private apartments, made available by anyone who wants and can host artists and the public, in a newfound proximity and without any more real barriers between those who make theater and those who assist you. At the end of each show a direct confrontation between actors and spectators is foreseen, which have the opportunity to meet up together to eat something, beyond any screen or fiction.

The presentation of the 2017 / 2018 season de The Theater seeks Home was held, to bring the participants into the spirit of the initiative right away, right in the living room of Manlio Santanelli, in his private home, surrounded by books, works of art and a lot of passion for theater and life.

The Theater seeks Home it is a cultural project born with the idea of innovate contemporary theater starting from its structure and its spatiality. It is, as Santanelli himself points out, "A chance, an opportunity for theater and viewers to experience a different dimension of enjoyment of a live performance". With the aim of bringing a new audience closer to the theater, the proposed theatrical typology has managed to zero the traditional concepts related to conventional theater (the hall, the audience, the stage, the scenography, the curtain) also denying the place universally recognized as "theater", starting from scratch and putting at the center of the representation the possibility of telling stories, in close contact with the spectator.

Press conference of the 2017 / 2018 season of Il Teatro cerca Casa

The shows and places of Il Teatro cerca Casa

Over the years, the exhibition has hosted, in the "home theaters" of the private homes of so many people, great names of contemporary theater as Enzo Moscato, Cristina Donadio, Renato Carpentieri, Fausta Vetere, Nello Mascia, Mario Porfito. Over 2000 were the spectators who attended the review during these five years of activity.

The Theater seeks Home, started from the private apartments of the city of Naples, it then extended to the province, including houses of Portici, Santa Anastasia, Casalnuovo, Caivano, Caserta, Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Piedimonte Matese, Eboli, Benevento, in Furore, arriving until in Capri.

The theater becomes space, the 2017 / 2018 season of Il Teatro cerca Casa

The title chosen for the sixth edition of Il Teatro cerca Casa is "Stages of the Future - Theater becomes space ", expressing both the desire to begin to involve the young companies that now face the world of theater, and the desire to know other places in which to do theater, other possible dramaturgical spaces.

For the 18 shows planned for the 2017 / 2018 season in the event, however, great names of the current theatrical scene are envisaged, such as Antonella Morea, Mario Gelardi, Antonella Stefanucci, Stefano Jotti, Nadia Baldi, and musical performances are also planned, with protagonists Giovanni Block, Mariano Bellopede, Oblique Strings and many others.

The review will include, starting from December 2017, too special meetings with prominent personalities from the entertainment world, to allow the public to get a close look at the play, in an informal chat about the sense of theater today. The format has the title "In truth, in truth I tell you ... Close encounters of theater" and among the artists who have given their membership so far there are Lello Arena, Isa Danieli, Mariano Rigillo and Rocco Papaleo, but many others will be added later.

Program of the shows


Monday October 2, 18 pm - Naples (Vomero area)

I am still alive
by and with Lucio Caizzi, directed by Sergio Assisi

Friday 14th October, 20:30 pm - Portici (Na)

Totò, what a father!
by Roberto Giordano, with Roberto Giordano and Federica Aiello

Saturday October 21, 20:30 pm - Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Ce) - ABSOLUTE DEBUT

The place of another
by Michele Danubio, with Michele danubio, Laura Borrelli, Stefano Jotti


Monday November 6, 18 pm - Naples (Vomero area)

Italy has awakened
written and directed by Rosario Mastrota, with Dalila Cozzolino

Friday 17 November, 20:30 pm - Portici (Na)

Albania my home
by and with Alksandros Memetaj, directed by Giampiero Rappa

Saturday November 25, 20:30 pm - Naples (Vomero area) - ABSOLUTE DEBUT

The off-key note
subject, text and stage design by Stefano Valanzuolo, music by Luigi Tenco, with Massimo Masiello and Mariano Bellopede, arrangements and keyboards


A location and date have not yet been assigned to the following shows. For more information, consult the official website de The Theater seeks Home.

Show of stories, monologues, songs and comic-surreal splinters

by Domanico Ciruzzi, with Antonella Stefanucci

French girl
piano & voice
with Daniela Fiorentino, Mariano Bellopede (piano)

The legendary story of Giovanni Senzaterra
concert / show between cunto, popular music and folk rock
by Marco Milone, with Marco Milone, Roberta Ida Izzo, music from Bad Costume, directed by Gaspare Nasuto

The rules of the game of tennis
by Mario Gelardi, with Riccardo Ciccarelli and Carlo Geltrude, directed by Carlo Caracciolo

Mood Swings
The classical-jazz guitar
Francesco Scelzo in concert

by Fabiana Fazio, with Fabiana Fazio, Valeria Frallicciardi, Giulia Musciacco

'EbbaneSiS in concert
with Serena Pisa (voice and guitar), Viviana Cangiano (voice)

Sinnò me dark. Canzoniere della Mala
with Antonella Morea, Vittorio Cataldi (piano)

Only but not too much
Giovanni Block in concert

Sound on canvas
Oblique strings in concert
with Annalisa Madonna (vocals), Edo Notarloberti (violin), Riccardo Prencipe (guitars)

by Cesare Belsito, with Franca Abategiovanni, directed by Nadia Baldi

The foundation
a monologue by Raffaello Baldini, with Stefano Jotti

Information about Il Teatro cerca Casa

When: from the 2 October 2017

Where: various private apartments in Naples and its province

Reservations: more information on official website of Il Teatro cerca Casa | Facebook page

Contacts:; Livia Coletta 334 334 70 90; Ileana Bonadies 347 096 38 08

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Written by Valentina D'Andrea
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