Teatro Stabile di Napoli On Line: the great theater is watched from home (with headphones)

elettra stable theater naples

The Teatro Stabile of Naples has arrived online: very recently you can also attend the Elettra, a show in which the sound is almost an actor

If spectators can no longer go to the Teatro Stabile (which brings together the Teatro Mercadante and the Teatro San Ferdinando in Naples), then the Stabile will transfer its stage to the homes of all Italians. The project Permanent Theater On Line, which makes use of a dedicated YouTube channel, has recently been enriched with a show inspired byElectra of Sophocles, staged in the 2005 directed by Andrew DeRosa.

The plot

The plot of Andrea De Rosa's Elettra is taken up byElectra of Sophocles, among the most famous and significant tragedies of the classical era.

Daughter of Agamemnon, king of the Achaeans, Elettra can not tolerate the idea that his mother Clytemnestra plotted behind Agamemnon to kill him. Electra's hatred for her mother will prompt her to constantly ask for one just revenge for the father: even if it will be another hand that will kill Clytemnestra, Electra will play the role of matricide.

An Electra to listen to with headphones

The reason why the Teatro Stabile of Naples has decided to offer its viewers the online vision of Andrea De Rosa's Clitennestra is the particular conception of the sound which accompanied the theatrical staging.

At the time, in 2005, spectators were given  headphones through which to listen to the music and voices of the actors.

The music of Giorgio Mellone as well as the voices of the actors were in fact taken up by the sound engineer Hubert Westkemper with a particular technique called "holophonic".

This technique, which is implemented through the use of one special microphone called "holophonic" allows you to record the sound (and subsequently reproduce it) so that it is not perceived as emitted by the headphones, but "out of the head" of the listener, for a representation of the sound absolutely realistic and engaging.

To experience the holophonic sound of the Elettra at home, just use some stereo headphones and connect to the channel Youtube of the Teatro Stabile of Naples.


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