Terra Amara, previews, spoilers and plot May 22th

Zuleyha Bitter Earth
Image source: Facebook profile @Terra Amara

An important bet, that of Bitter land that will be broadcast Monday May 22 2023 for all fans of Yilmaz and Demir. On this very day, in fact, we will see Emel reiterate, during a press conference, that Ercument was not killed by Demir but that his death was, instead, caused from the underworld due to economic differences.

In this way, the investigations will be definitively closed and Demir will be cleared from any accusation. Even the voices in the country will be able to calm down and the honor of Zuleyha, believed to be a victim of sexual violence, will be safe. Demir and Yilmaz will make peace and they will establish a truce between their respective families. It won't be like this for Zuleyha and Mujgan for whom the war will continue.

Demir acquitted of murder charge

After Demir and Yilmaz's trip to Istanbul to meet Email and ask her to testify on their behalf, the woman will accept the proposal of the two men and will declare, during a conference that the Yaman will organize to give a definitive stop to the gossip about them, that his brother did not die at the hands of Demir.

He will say that Ercument he lost his life to the underworld organization that wanted to punish him due to huge debts that the man had contracted. For Zuleyha it will be a real sigh of relief since in Cukurova the rumors of her who wanted her to be the victim of violence by Demir's cousin (which is why the latter would have killed him) were very insistent.

Demir and Yilmaz finally make peace

Following Emel's deposition, things will appear definitively clarified to the prosecutor who, once the case has been resolved, the murder charges will be declared completely dropped against Demir. Once the problem is solved, Demir and his mother will go to Fekeli and Yilmaz with one goal: to improve relations between the two families. On the other hand, we had already seen them close during the birth of their children.

Being able to have a good neighborly relationship e lay down your weapons, it will therefore be an occasion, for the two rivals in love, for make peace and try to live more peacefully. Also Zuleyha will try, in turn, to reach a truce with Mujgan.

Yilmaz's wife, however, she won't be willing to grant it to her and will make her understand, indeed, that the war has just begun. The tensions and jealousies between the two women, especially of Mujgan towards Altun, will not yet be destined to subside. But how will Demir and Yilmaz know how to manage such strong friction between their respective wives?

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Written by Patricia Maimone
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