Bitter land, plots and spoilers of the March 28th episodes

cover of Amara Earth

The next episode of Terra Amara, broadcast on March 28, will bring new emotions and twists for the characters of the popular Turkish soap opera.

Gulten and food poisoning

The plot will pick up as the farm workers, including Gulten, are recovering from food poisoning happened during the circumcision party.

Gulten still is hospitalized and is visited by Cetin, Fekeli's handyman, who he declares his feelings to her. However, despite her interest in Cetin, Gulten cannot get over the traumatic experience of her violence suffered by Ercument and she can't let go of him.

Mujgan and pregnancy

Meanwhile, in Istanbul, Mujgan is grappling with his dilemma: abort or keep the baby what are you waiting for?
The woman is shocked upon finding out that Yilmaz never stopped loving Zuleyha and she finds herself facing this difficult decision on her own.

Finally, after weighing his options carefully, Mujgan decides to keep the baby and to become a mother.

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Written by Gennaro Marchesi
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