Chess tournaments, Casina Vanvitelliana chosen for the most important of 2023

It is the Mayor of Bacoli, Josi Gerardo Della Ragione, who communicates it through his social channels. Two of the most important chess tournaments in the world will take place in Bacoli, in particular at the Casina Vanvitelliana.
Let's talk about the CIS Masters 2023 and CIS Female (Team Championships).
Respectable events organized by Italian Chess Federation as part of the Italian Team Chess Championship with representatives from all over Italy, in Naples is the group AD Neapolitan Chess to represent our city.
When will the championships take place?
The competitions at the Casina Vanvitelliana in Bacoli will take place from 25 April to 1 May 2023, with over 200 people including participants and staff from various regions throughout Italy to visit the Italian Chess Capital during the days of the event.
The numbers of the 2022 edition
During last year's event they were played 300 games via electronic chessboards, with 1400 attendance at the offices and hotels and more than 350.000 users who followed the races via the web from all over the world.
A truly remarkable audience that will give particular prominence to the historic site of the Casina Vanvitelliana, the pride of the increasingly qualified Bacoli area.
- Where: Vanvitellian cottage
- When: from Tuesday 25 April 2023 to Monday 01 May 2023