Public transport in Naples: rising cost of incoming tickets

Naples metro line 1, single ticket price increase

The councilor Vetrella announces the increase in ticket fares for single rides on public transport in Naples

Il single ticket to travel on the means of transport of the city of Naples it will cost more. The prices of the monthly and annual passes, on the other hand, will remain unchanged. The goal of this "sting" that affects only single races, as he explains Sergio Vetrella, regional councilor for transport, is that of "Safeguarding those who habitually use public transport to build loyalty in the service and ask for more from those who occasionally use them".

The percentage of the ticket will not be decided by the individual companies but by the transport department. The decision falls within the new tariff system which also includes the electronic ticketing which will come into effect in the coming months. A card electronics in fact, it will allow citizens to travel on iron, rubber and sea and which, as Vetrella has continued, will allow to keep "Under control the flow of citizens on public transport".

News that are added to the one already in force of the tickets of the individual companies, which will put end to the Unico Campania consortium, “An 80 million euro drama which, among other things, existed only for the companies that joined the Consortium”.

Il single ticket it could be useful to all non-commuters, those who do not need to take public transport every day, or only need to make one-time rides (with no return). Compared to the hourly ticket, this policy could lead to savings for the user from 8 to 20%.

It is not yet known when the new increases will take effect, nor what percentage they will be. The new tariff scheme will certainly be remodeled starting from a kilometer-based structure.

I hardships there will be especially for all those who, living outside Naples and arriving in the city, will be forced to make more tickets based on transport companies, plus paying more for the single ticket that will replace the timetable. A system, in short, that it could lead to not choosing to take public transport to Naples (whose service is already quite lacking) or, even worse, to get on a bus or a metro without paying the ticket.

They will also come back, probably, too tickets to be bought on board on the buses, with a maximum surcharge of 30% rounded to the 50 cents.

Wouldn't it be better to resort, as in some cities abroad, to a single fare system for all means of transport, to introduce discounted tickets for several days or if you are traveling in two? This would encourage users to make use of public transport and to get more money into the municipal coffers.


Source: Il Mattino

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