Men women, brawl between Armando and Riccardo. What happened?

Riccardo and Armando of Men and Women

During the registration of yesterday's episode of Men and women, which aired on April 22, 2023, viewers witnessed a series of twists. Fans of the program are especially anxiously waiting for one moment, and that is when Armando and Riccardo will quarrel.

Apparently theirs discussion it was especially forte, so as to almost reach the hands. The two were split up in the studio and only because of this they didn't flow into one physical fight.

But what is the reason of this quarrel so heated? According to the previews, Aurora Tropea has launched a new attack on Armando Incarnato, involving Lucrezia Comanducci, a former participant in the classic throne who, two years ago, had interacted with Armando in the studio.

To take part in the discussion, already quite animated, he intervened Richard Guarnieri, who has stated that Armando has a manager, thus reopening a theme already addressed and resolved in previous episodes.

This was the statement that triggered Armando who further escalated the situation leading the two protagonists to meet again face to face and about to come to blows, before being blocked.

Meanwhile, the fans have pure that the fierce quarrel is cut short, but let's remember that the actual physical fight didn't take place and above all that Armando apologized to Riccardo in the end.

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Written by Andrew Navarro
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