Men and Women, Alberto caught with another. What will Nicole do?

Carlo Alberto Mancini
Image source: Instagram profile Carlo Alberto Mancini (@carlo_alberto_mancini)

The Classic Throne of Men and Women, as well as the Over Throne, is on pause for the celebrations of April 25th, but yesterday new reports arrived about Carlo Alberto Mancini, Nicole Santinelli's suitor. Here's what happened and how the tronista could react.

The saga of Lavinia Mauro and Alessio Corvino is closed, the viewers eyes focused on the throne by Nicole Santinelli, the very blonde account manager who, on more than one occasion, did not hesitate to say what she thought of them to their faces (her quarrel with Roberta Di Padua has now become a cameo and, in recent days, it seems that during the recordings of the new episodes she stuck underneath, again, with the Ladies of the Over Throne of Men and Women).

A few weeks he went down to court her Carlo Alberto Mancini, a 34-year-old personal trainer, who has bewitched her from the first moment. Too bad, however, that, in the last few hours, A new report has arrived on the suitor and that, for sure, will not please the tronista.

What happened? According to what has been revealed by Deianeira Marzano, the gossip expert, who received the report from several users, it seems that Carlo Alberto Mancini Sunday or Monday evening he was at Papeete Beach, a famous club of Milano Marittima, together with a friend and to several girls. Some dating fans tried to approach him and ask him to take a picture together, but he refused, saying he couldn't do it for via the signed contract for Men and Women.

Men and Women, Carlo Alberto Mancini together with another woman, and it's not the first time

Although the contact was brief, the fans of Men and women they saw that the suitor was with another woman, a very beautiful and buxom brunette, with whom he talked all the time and with whom, it seems, he later moved to the center of Milano Marittima to continue the evening.

In the meantime, Mancini has not commented on the rumors about him, much less the meeting he had with these fans at Papeete Beach, but given his proximity to this woman, it is possible that, when he declared his exclusive interest for Nicole Santinelliwas not entirely sincere.

How will the tronista react to this news? She sure won't please her, because it's not the first time that Carlo Alberto Mancini is caught together with another woman and, knowing it, probably won't keep anything hidden inside. And it's quite probable that, the topic, she'll be brought up by Maria DeFilippi during the next recording of the Classic Throne. We just have to wait a bit to see how she will end up and if Santinelli, faced with this umpteenth "snub", will still decide to continue the acquaintance of the suitor or this time she will eliminate him from the games without the possibility of appeal.

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Written by Frances Orelli
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