Men and Women, anticipate registration today. Nicole chose

Nicole of Men and Women during the live broadcast on May 3rd

After the recent decision of Luca Daffrè, which he opted for leave the program together with Alessandra, the focus is on Nicole Santinelli, the young participant from Rome. The girl focused her interest on two suitors: on the one hand Carlo Alberto Mancini and on the other Andrea Foriglio.

According to rumors collected by the well-known Lorenzo Pugnaloni, this afternoon could be recorded a new episode about Nicole's choice. You are ready?

Nicole Santinelli: the awaited choice for Men and Women

Following the decision of Luca Daffrè, who chose to confront Alice and Camilla before kissing Alessandra and dropping the famous red petals, the time has come to Nicole Santinelli.

La Roman protagonist he will make his choice this afternoon, and the fans are impatient to find out his response: will he opt for the reserved Carlo Alberto or for the Roman osteopath Andrea Foriglio?

Nicole's journey has been characterized by passionate kisses and disputes, also with the ladies of the throne Over. Will she be able to clarify with Roberta Di Padua at the end of her journey? Will there be surprises in the studio? Last week, the girl did not hide her Tears and disappointment at the ambiguous behavior of her suitors. Will they be able to change her mind?

Carlo Alberto or Andrea Foriglio: who will be the chosen one?

Nicole will have to choose between two very different guys. On the one hand, the shy Carlo Alberto, with a difficult past, dealing with problems such as libra and bullying; on the other, the affirmed Andrew Foriglio, a well-known osteopath who has achieved success thanks to numerous sacrifices.

Both have shared passionate kisses con Nicole nel corso delle esterne. Ma chi avrà conquistato il cuore di Nicole, che appare così determinata e forte? Non ci resta che attendere ancora un po’ per scoprire cosa accadrà nel salotto di Maria De Filippi.

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Written by Andrew Navarro
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