Men and Women, what happened today October 27th

Men and Women 2023/2024

In the last episode of "Men and Women" aired on October 27, the stage was monopolized by Maurizio Laudicino and Elena, which made resound the echoes of a kiss that gave much to talk about.

But that's not all: also Gemma Galgani and other protagonists created moments of high tension.

The kiss between Maurizio Laudicino and Elena

During the live broadcast, Maurizio Laudicino and Elena attracted all eyes, confirming that they had shared a intimate moment outside the program.

Although they both admitted to having spent time together, the situation remains complex. The knight has in fact specified that, despite the kiss, Elena is not yet "his woman", denying any hypothesis of an imminent consolidation of their relationship.

Gemma Galgani's accusations against Maurizio and Elena

Gemma Galgani non ha perso tempo nell’indirizzare accuse piuttosto forti nei confronti di Elena e Maurizio. Secondo la dama, i due they would have orchestrated their behavior, an accusation that Elena ha promptly rejected, claiming to be in a path of knowledge with Maurizio.

Gemma also brought to light a backstory, stating that Maurizio would have tried to gain visibility through their relationship, which he categorically denied.

Marco jealous of Jasna who went out with Marcello

In another corner of the studio, the tension could be cut with a knife when Jasna revealed that she had gone out with Marcello, generating jealousy in Marco S. The latter accused Jasna of being inconsistent, given that only the day before they were talking about "them" as a couple. The meeting with Marcello raised doubts about the sincerity of Jasna's feelings.

Barbara and Roberta chose who to save

A lighter, but no less interesting moment was when Barbara and Roberta they were asked to express their opinion on who they would like to "save" among the knights present in the studio.

The two ladies agreed on some names, including Marcello and Alessio, underlining that despite their popularity, the search for a soul mate continues.

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Written by Gennaro Marchesi
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