Men and Women, Giorgio Manetti ready to return? Here's for who...

George Manetti

George Manetti it was, without a doubt, one of the main protagonists of previous editions of Men and women. It was the year 2015 when Gemma Galgani had lost her head for him except then leaving him even if, deep down, perhaps, he never forgot him. Since many things have changed and, although I have had several stories, just Giorgio declared that he is single.

Un special appreciation for a lady from the female parterre of Men and Women makes fans hope that "the seagull" can finally decide to return to the studio. The knight also has expressed his opinion on the story between Gemma and Maurizio. What did he say? Let's find out!

Giorgio Manetti on Gemma and Maurizio at Men and Women

In a very recent one interview with TG24, George Manetti commented on the latest events of Men and Women, first of all the relationship between Maurizio and Gemma reiterating that I do not believe at all that there could be any human interest in the Turin lady and that, therefore, the relationship cannot have a future.

I don't understand how at 49 years old he can have all this interest in Gemma. You can then understand from the attitudes when a person is interested or not. And as a spectator I don't see much transport in this couple. I absolutely don't believe this story has a future. I don't know Maurizio well and he can't give an opinion. Nowadays, however, Gemma's script is a repeating one. She is the fulcrum of the program and clearly those who approach her are affected by the publicity. Generally these are stories that last a short time. I was one of the very few if not the only one to ask Gemma out.

And in fact, fans remember it well: Manetti actually asked Galgani out from the program with her which, however, she refused because she wanted to go out "with love" and she doubted whether Manetti really loved her.

Could Giorgio Manetti return to Men and Women?

George Manetti he let himself go with a confession that literally inflamed fans about his current relationship situation. She has stated that he was single and that he too is looking for the one he can finally consider his princess. An appreciation of one of the women of the current female parterre of Men and Women did theconsider his possible return to broadcasting.

Next to me I want a woman who is a princess inside. I realized that at this age it is not easy to find a woman. I love being with a couple but I can only do it if there is a princess in the true sense of the word. In the parterre of the over Cristina Tenuta she is very pretty and feminine.

Giorgio Manetti could, therefore, go back to the studio for Men and Women to get to know Cristina? There are no confirmations but the fans hope so! We'll see... what do you think?

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