Men and women, Ida Platano lashes out at the haters

Ida Platano
Image source: Instagram profile Ida Platano (@idaplatano)

Ida Platano, one of the best-known ladies of the Over Throne of Men and Women, lashes out like a lioness against the haters after the latter have insulted her son "But how dare you?!"

Haters are known to be part of social networks and some VIPs have even responded to them, sometimes directly, sometimes in such a subtle way as to confuse them. In the last few hours though Ida Platano, one of the best known ladies of the Throne Over of Men and Women, she threw herself like a fury against a hater, going so far as to address him very heavy words.

What happened?
Well, according to what reported by I read. it, the lady would have been enraged, and even a lot, in reading very unedifying comments about his son. An attitude that, and we remember it, he also held during his journey a Men and women when someone, in an attempt to discredit her, attacked her son.

How did Ida Platano respond to the haters?

In particular a hateraddressing Platano directly, he said:

“You are famous for what? Do you have a job title? You went to Men and Women only to find someone to support you. Now I understand why your son is a fatherless bastard.”

Una very heavy sentence, for any mother (and not only), who has infuriated the lady of men and women, which in fact did not take long to respond in kind:

“Rubbish! Real garbage. I speak and I am not silent. I've always told you that you can tell me anything, but you mustn't talk about my son. He's not a bastard! Man or woman behind this account (the hater, ed) you already know how it turns out for you, because I'm not going to stand still in front of this thing. My son doesn't need a father. He has me as a father and as a mother. You suck. Shame on you."

Ida Platano

Read also:

Men and Women, Ida Platano chooses Alessandro: here is the video

Men and Women: it is a clash between Ida Platano and Riccardo Guarnieri

Men and Women: Armando, “Ida and Alessandro? They are beautiful.”

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Written by Frances Orelli
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