Via Crucis 2023 with Pope Francis: when and where to see it on TV

Papa Francesco

Il Good Friday this year will see the celebration of Way of the cross at the Colosseum, with the presence of Papa Francesco. The event, which involves faithful from all over the world, will also be broadcast live on television for those who cannot be physically present.

Live TV timetable of the Via Crucis with Papa Francesco

Despite a recent illness which required hospitalization at the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome, Papa Francesco will participate in the Via Crucis, an event of great spiritual importance. The ceremony will start at 21:15 at the Colosseum, with the closure of the affected roads starting at 13.

The entire event will be broadcast live on Rai 1, allowing the faithful to follow the ceremony even from home. The live broadcast will begin at 21, just before the start of the procession, and will be visible at key 1 on the remote control, at 501 for viewing in HD, and at 101 for Sky TV. Furthermore, it will be possible to follow the live broadcast on digital terrestrial channel 208 on TV2000 and in free streaming on RaiPlay.

Duration and conclusion of the Via Crucis

La Way of the cross, an event of great importance for the faithful, foresees a path of 14 stages which recall the Calvary of Jesus up to Mount Golgotha. It is estimated that the duration of the ceremony will be approx one hour and twenty minutes, ending at the Temple of Venus on the Palatine at 22:30. During the course passages from the Gospel will be read and prayers will be recited.

Finally, at 22:30 the documentary 'In viaggio' will be broadcast on Rai 1 which retraces the nine years of the Pontificate of Papa Francesco and his 33 pastoral trips.

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Written by Andrew Navarro
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