Feast of Piedigrotta 2017 in Naples: street party and parade in children's costume

Piedigrotta Church in Naples
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At the Festa di Piedigrotta 2017 in Naples there will be religious celebrations and the parade of children with papier-mâché costumes!

Also this year there will be the traditional appointment with the Piedigrotta Festival in Naples, precisely from the 2 to the 12 September 2017 in various appointments according to a long calendar within the Napolinfest.

The events will be mainly of liturgical and religious matrix and currently it is not yet known officially if the fireworks show will take place. We are awaiting confirmation that, if it arrives, we will promptly publish in this article.

Instead, the parade of children with papier-mâché costumes it will take place regularly and will be a moment of pure fun for the little ones. This particular procession will be held on September 10th, while on September 11th there will be one real party with street entertainment.

September 2th

6,00 hours: «Voice» to the Madonna in the alleys.
7,00 Hours: Prayers, Holy Rosary and ancient songs.
8,00 Hours: Eucharistic Celebration: "S. Mary Mother of Mercy "and at the end a traditional greeting to the Madonna of Piedigrotta with a flight of birds.
19,30 Hours: In S. Maria del Parto: "Jamme a truvà a Maria".
20,00 Hours: Mass of the fishermen on the Mergellina beach presided over by don Franco Bergamin. Procession of boats, then Holy Mass and then, procession with the painting of the Madonna brought by the 18ennies in the basilica.

September 3th

Holy Mass at 8,30 - 10,30 - 12,30 - 19,00
19,00 Hours: S. Mass of the artists animated by the parish choir and celebrated by Don Maurizio Patriciello

September 4th

20.30 pm: Departure for the "Friends" mission

September 7th

10,00 Hours: Caritas Listening Center
22,30 Hours: from Piazza della Torretta the procession begins for the "greetings" to the Virgin and Mother of Piedigrotta.
23,15 Hours: Rosario at the Madonaa
24,00 Hours: Hymn to the Madonna, greetings and festive bells

September 8th

Holy Mass at 8,30 - 10,30 - 12,30 - 19,00
12,00 Hours: Supplication to the Madonna of Piedigrotta and S. Mass.
19,00 Hours: Eucharistic celebration presided over by Abbot General Don Giuseppe Cipolloni

September 10th

Holy Mass at 8,30 - 10,30 - 12,30 - 19,00
10.30 Hours: Meeting in Via Galiani of children with paper clothes.
11.30 Hours: Departure of the parade towards the basilica and entrusting the children to Our Lady with plenary indulgence.
21,00 Hours: XXXV edition of the Serenade to the Madonna

September 11th

19.00 pm - Via Galiani, street entertainment

21.00 hours: "PIEDIGROTTA" the party

Kermesse of Neapolitan music with many guests including Francesca Marini, Federico Salvatore, Antonello Rondi, Pamela Paris, Ciro Capano, Massimo Masiello and Monica Sarnelli. The guest of honor will be Giulietta Sacco and there will be an 8-piece orchestra conducted by Maestro Franco Farina.

21,00 pm: Departure of the "Friends" mission

September 12th

Parish of Santa Maria di Piedigrotta

  • Holy Mass at 8,30 - 10,30 - 12,30 - 19,00
  • 19,00 Hours: Eucharistic Concelebration
  • 20,00 pm: to conclude: 'na tazzulelle' and ciucculata

Via Caracciolo

  • 19 Hours: 00 - street entertainment
  • 21 Hours: 00 - Ron's concert

Information on the Piedigrotta Festival

When: from the 2 to the 12 September, various appointments

Where: Parish of Santa Maria di Piedigrotta, Piazza Piedigrotta 24

Contacts: Official site | 081-669761

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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