Pedestrian area in Chiaia in Naples: the Tar suspends the new Ztl

Via Bisignano in Naples

The new pedestrian area of ​​the Chiaia area in Naples will not see the light since the TAR has suspended the ordinance of the Municipality.

La ZTL prepared in Chiaia a few days ago it was rejected by the Tar of Campania, Which has the mayor's order suspended of Naples Luigi de Magistris. In fact, the municipal document provided for the start of the pedestrian area starting from 8 March 2021, in the area of ​​via Bisignano, so as to expand the area already existing at the famous "baretti".

Il "Chiaia alive and livable" Committee, however, he had presented appeal, carried out by the lawyer Luca Tozzi and the seventh section of the TAR accepted it. The reason for the suspension of this new pedestrian area lies in danger of gatherings: in fact, there could be a greater grouping of people, attracted by the new pedestrianization.

An eventuality that is not appreciated in a period of health emergency like the one we are experiencing due to Covid-19, which is why the court has decided to suspend the ordinance until there is thedefinitive examination in the council chamber, which will take place on March 3.

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