2018 Carnival in Naples with the puppet show at the Teatro dei Piccoli

Puppet Theater
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On the occasion of the 2018 Carnival, the Puppet Manifesto takes place at the Teatro dei Piccoli of the Mostra d'Oltremare in Naples with nice educational and fun skits for children!

Al Teatro dei Piccoli in the Mostra d'Oltremare of Naples there will be a nice Carnival event especially for children, but which will also entertain the older ones. On 10 and 11 February 2018, in fact, it will be possible to attend the "Puppet poster"Which will stage typical puppet theater situations with animated objects, glove, helmet and wire puppets, stick puppets, Chinese shadows and mime.

The purpose of the show is to retrace all phases of the so-called puppet theater, from birth to the present day, also dealing with very current cultural issues, all suitable for a public of children.

The sketches that will be represented, in fact, also have an educational character and the animators Vittorio Zanella and Rita Pasqualini will propose a series of educational and entertaining numbers, including a traditional piece with Trousers of the Needy. Between a laugh and a moment of reflection, the two artists will emerge from the shack to explain to all the techniques used.

The puppet show scenes

To make you understand the kind of show, fun and educational, which will assist the children, we explain some of the scenes that will be represented. In that of the shoes and balloon a child, symbolized by shoes, breaks the glass of a window playing with the ball, thus provoking the reaction of the father who throws him a bucket of water. The child, continuing to play, breaks another glass and this time two large boots come out of the window and kick him. The skit is so far addressed mainly to children, while the final part, with the cry of child who does not understand the violence suffered, accompanied by the notes of a violin, is aimed at adults.

Subsequently, the situation of a prisoner will be staged, well represented by the hands of Zanella who are masterfully writhing, the Chinese shadows and the dance of the elves of Knockgrafton and finally the number of the worker in the assembly line with repetitive gestures.

Information on the Puppet Manifesto

When: 10 and 11 February

Where: Teatro dei Piccoli, Mostra d'Oltremare - via JFKennedy, 54 and via A.Usodimare

Schedule: 11.00

Prezzi: 8 euro holidays | 7 euro school plays

Info and reservations: 0810330619 (9.30 / 17.00 weekdays) | Facebook event

Recommended for children from 3 to 8 years.

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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