Maddaloni Carnival: allegorical floats, street food and shows

The Carnival of Maddaloni to make this period even more fun with a series of events suitable for both adults both ai children. It is a traditional carnival event that takes place for 5 days, from 16 21 to February (non-consecutive), and offers a rich program of shows, music, but above all the famous fashion show allegorical wagons.

Fashion shows, events and street food

It starts with Shrove Thursday, on 16 February 2023, with a show dedicated to schools, to then continue directly Saturday 18 with the long-awaited parade of floats who will travel the streets of the city with all their creativity.

Il percorso part from Piazza Don Salvatore d'Angelo, where a series of carnival-themed shows and exhibitions will also take place. It also continues Sunday 19 with a vast number of events, to then conclude directly on the 21st, Shrove Tuesday, With the new float parade and other events like the lottery.

Not only fun, but also good food thanks to the street food organized by Carla Ferraro's "Il chiosco della nonna".

The complete Maddaloni Carnival program

download the program

When will there be the parade of Carnival floats in Malladoni

The float parade will not take place every day of the event, but only on the following dates:

  • Saturday February 18, 15 pm: Departure of allegorical floats from Via Napoli and opening of the procession with flag-wavers Le Tre Torri
  • Tuesday February 21st: Departure of Allegorical floats from Via Napoli and of the procession with flash mob

Contacts and information

  • Where: Maddaloni
  • When: from Thursday 16 February 2023 to Tuesday 21 February 2023
  • Closed on days:
    • Friday February 17 2023
    • Monday February 20 2023
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