Galleria Laziale night closure: here are the nights of the stop

Lazio Gallery in Naples

New closure of the Lazio Gallery.

This time, however, the extraordinary maintenance work will take place at night to try to create less inconvenience to citizens. The statement was released from City of Naples, through their official website, and there is talk of an ordinance regarding the night closure of the Lazio Gallery.

They activated a temporary traffic device that prohibits vehicular transit in the Posillipo gallery during the following nights:

  • From 23:00 on August 4th at 5: 30 del August 5th
  • From 23:00 onAugust 8th at 5: 30 del 9 August

The discomfort is due to jobs which will complete the removal of underground cable OF by the TERNA Company in the Posillipo Gallery (the so-called Lazio Gallery).

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