Circumvesuviana, stop for trains between Sorrento and Meta

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New inconveniences for citizens who use the Circumvesuviana, the railway service that connects Naples to various municipalities in its province managed by the Volturno Autonomous Body. EAV communicated the stop between Sorrento and Meta due to a problem generated by a failure in the contact line.

Traffic between Sorrento and Meta was interrupted due to a breakdown in the contact line. Trains from Naples bound for Sorrento stop at Meta. On the Sorrento – Meta section, a replacement bus service has been established.

Activate a replacement service

solve the problem and limit the inconvenience of users, on Sorrento-Meta section a service has been established replacement di bus numbers. The company has announced the stop points of the replacement buses on its website In particular, the replacement buses will leave every 30 minutes from Sorrento.

To consult the buses available recommend to visit directly This Page.

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Written by Andrew Navarro
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