Transport for Easter and Easter Monday in Naples, timetables and Circumvesuvia, Cumana, Campania Express and other EAV routes

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Easter and Easter Monday these are times of great movement in Campania, with many taking advantage of the holidays to travel. EAV has adapted to guarantee connections for Circumvesuviana, Cumana and other lines, including car services and the Campania Express.

Let's see how the timetables and routes change on these special days.

Circumvesuviana at Easter and Easter Monday: line timetables and trips

During the Easter, the Circumvesuviana follows a special timetable: the races start at 07:00 and continue until 14:00. After a break, the service resumes at 16:00, concentrated above all on the line for Sorrento Cumana to Torregaveta, until the end of the day.

Easter Monday, the service returns to the normal holiday schedule, allowing easy travel for those who decide to spend the day out of town or return home after the Easter celebrations.

Deals withFirst DepartureLast departureFootnotes
From Naples to Sorrento07:2812:16
From Naples for P. Marino07:3812:26Via Scafati
From Naples to Sarno07:3412:22Including weekday trains: 6105 (10), 34 (8125)
From Naples to Baiano07:3612:24Including weekday train: 8125 (12:24)
From Naples to T. Annunziata07:0911:57
From Sorrento to Naples07:3812:26
From P. Marino to Naples07:4212:30Via Scafati
From Sarno to Naples07:5012:38Including weekday train: 6126 (12:38)
From Baiano to Naples07:4812:36
From T. Annunziata to Naples07:5712:45

Afternoon trips (after the break):

Deals withFirst Departure after the break
From Naples to Sorrento16:28
From Sorrento to Naples16:38

Additional weekday trains:

  • Train 4113: 11:14 from Naples to Poggiomarino
  • Train 4125: 12:26 from Naples to Poggiomarino

Campania Express:

  • From Naples: 08:22 (train 10821) and 17:22 (train 11721)
  • From Sorrento: 10am (train 20) and 11018pm (train 19)

Circumflegrea, Cumana and Phlegraean lines at Easter and Easter Monday: line timetables

During Sunday Easter, be it Circumflegrea that the Cumana offer a reduced service, active from 07:00 14:00. This time allows you to manage morning journeys, while in the afternoon the journeys resume at 16:00, guaranteeing connections until the end of the day.


  • The first departures from Montesanto for Licola they happen at 07:12, with the last races scheduled for 12:24.
  • From the opposite direction, Licola to Montesanto, the first departure is scheduled for 07:56, with the last race at 13:32.


  • With regard to the Cumana, the initial departure from Montesanto for Torregaveta and at 07:21, with the last race at 12:41.
  • Da Torregaveta a Montesanto, trains start leaving from 07:34, with the last departure at 13:34.

Il Easter Monday, both lines will follow the standard holiday timetable

MetroCampania NordEst at Easter and Easter Monday: line timetables and trips

La MetroCampania NordEst, crucial for travel in the north-eastern area of ​​Campania, also changes its timetables for Easter and Easter Monday to adapt to the needs of travelers during this festive period.

Easter races, 31 March:

  • The service starts at 06:00 in the morning, allowing travel from the early hours of the day. Racing will continue until 14:00, after which there will be a break.
  • The first departures are scheduled from Aversa Centro to Piscinola 06:00 and Piscinola to Aversa Centro 06:15.
  • The last races before the break are scheduled from Aversa Centro 13:30 and Piscinola 13:45.

Easter Monday races:

  • The MetroCampania NordEst service resumes according to the standard holiday timetable

EAV car service at Easter and Easter Monday

Il EAV automotive service adopt a special regime during Easter, with racing starting at 07:00 and end around 13:30.

However, there are some important exceptions: the lines serving the areas of:

  • Ischia,
  • Procida,
  • Sorrento,
  • Pompeii – Vesuvius,
  • Miseno-Cuma,
  • Bay – Torregaveta,
  • Torregaveta-Monte di Procida,
  • internal line of the Port
  • Sorrento Train Support

who will follow the usual holiday hours, without undergoing changes for Easter day.
For Easter Monday, the automotive service resumes according to standard holiday hours.

Campania Express at Easter and Easter Monday

Il Campania Express, a train service designed mainly for tourists who wish to visit the main attractions of the region such as Pompeii and the Sorrento Coast, follows a specific program during the Easter holidays.

Hours of the Campania Express for Easter, March 31:

  • Da Napoli, departures are scheduled at 08:22 (train 10821) and at 17:22 (train 11721)
  • Da Sorrento, trains to Naples leave at 10:20 (train 11018) and at 19:20 (train 11918)

Easter Monday: The Campania Express service during Easter Monday has the same opening hours as Easter.

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