
Theatrical performances, exhibitions in museums, guided tours and all the places of interest in Naples to know what our artistic and cultural heritage offers.

The latest updates
Premio "Le Maschere del Teatro Italiano" al Teatro San Carlo: il trionfo di Toni Servillo

"The Masks of the Italian Theater" Award at the San Carlo Theater: the triumph of Toni Servillo

06 September 2013

Biagio Izzo al Teatro Augusteo con "Esseoesse"

Biagio Izzo at the Augusteo Theater with "Esseoesse"

04 September 2013

Teatro Diana: stagione teatrale 2013/2014 del teatro vomerese

Diana Theater: 2013 / 2014 theater season of the Vomerese theater

02 September 2013

Teatro Augusteo: programma della stagione teatrale 2013/2014

Augusteo Theater: program of the 2013 / 2014 theater season

01 September 2013

Fontane sonore ai giardini pensili del Palazzo Reale di Napoli

Sound fountains in the hanging gardens of the Royal Palace of Naples

August 31 2013

Al Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli arriva l'arte contemporanea

Contemporary art arrives at the National Archaeological Museum of Naples

August 28 2013

Siani Reportage Prize 2013 a Casalnuovo

Siani Reportage Prize 2013 in Casalnuovo

August 26 2013

Herculaneum, Storie Sepolte: visite notturne agli scavi di Ercolano

Herculaneum, Storie Sepolte: night visits to the excavations of Herculaneum

August 26 2013

Ferragosto a Napoli 2013: musei aperti in città e provincia
August in Naples

Ferragosto in Naples 2013: museums open in the city and the province

August 12 2013

Ferragosto con l'arte al Museo del Tesoro di San Gennaro
August in Naples

Mid-August with art at the San Gennaro Treasure Museum

August 09 2013

Teatro San Carlo: aperto per visite guidate ad agosto
August in Naples

San Carlo Theater: open for guided tours in August

August 08 2013

Napoli, biglietto integrato per visitare quattro musei a soli 10 euro

Naples, integrated ticket to visit four museums for only 10 euro

August 02 2013