Ethnos, the international festival of ethnic music in the Vesuvian Villas

Elina Duni
Article contents

From Friday 10 and until Sunday 26 September 2021 the Twenty-sixth edition of Ethnos Festival, the International Festival of Ethnic Music in Naples.

The event is planned and co-financed by Campania region together with Scabec and the Ministry of Culture and organized thanks to La Bazzarra with the municipalities of San Giorgio a Cremano e Torre Annunziata, Herculaneum, Portici, the Fondazione Ente per le Vesuvian villas, the Banca di Credito Popolare and the Department of Agriculture of the University of Naples Federico II.

As in previous years, the artistic direction will be entrusted to Gigi Di Luca and the program is really full of events that will range from music to theater, from dance to cinema.

There will be many Italian and international guests, such as: Elina Duni, Moonlight Benjamin, Amara Quartet, Monica Pinto, the Mancuso Brothers and many others.

Mandatory Green Pass

In order to participate in the shows scheduled for the twenty-sixth edition of Ethnos it will be necessary to purchase a ticket from a minimum cost of 5 euros to a maximum cost of 10 euros. Furthermore, as established by law, to access it will be necessary to have the Green pass.

The program


At 21 pm at Villa Vannucchi in San Giorgio a Cremano Native language, A song for Pasolini. Admission € 5.


At 21 pm at Villa Vannucchi in San Giorgio a Cremano Ethnos Generations, final under 35 contest, Music and Cinema section. Admission 5 euros.


At 21 pm at Villa Vannucchi in San Giorgio a Cremano Ethnos Generations, final contest under 35, theater and dance sections, admission 5 euros.

At 18: 00-19: 30 at Villa Favorita in Herculaneum marala, concert with headphones listening. Admission 5 euros.


At the Royal Palace of Portici at 21:00 Mancuso Brothers. 5 euro entrance.


At 21 pm at Villa Vannucchi in San Giorgio a Cremano, Elina Duni. 10 euro entrance.


At 11:30 and 18:00 at Villa delle Ginestre in Torre del Greco Amara Quartet and Monica Pinto. Admission € 5.


From 19:00 to 21:00 at Villa del Parnaso in Torra Annunziata Birkin tree. Admission € 5.


At 21 pm at Villa Vannucchi in San Giorgio a Cremano Moonlight Benjamin. Admission € 10.


From 18:00 to 19:30 at Villa Bruno in San Giorgio a Cremano Popular Noble traveling show of contemporary dance. Admission 5 euros.

At 21 pm at Villa Vannucchi in San Giorgio a Cremano south of Bella Ciao, 10 euro entrance.

Information on Ethnos 2021


From 10 to 26 September 2021


Villa Vannucchi, Park on the sea of ​​Villa Favorita, Palace of Portici, Villa delle Ginestre, Villa del Parnaso, Villa Bruno


From 11: 30


Tickets 5 and 10 euros


Facebook page | Information: 3299126146 | Presale: 081 5934001-blueservice

Image source: Emanuele Vergari

  • Where: Villa Vannucchi, San Giorgio a Cremano
  • When:
    • Friday 10 September 2021 from 21pm
    • Saturday 11 September 2021 from 21pm
    • Sunday 12 September 2021 from 18pm
    • Friday 17 September 2021 from 21pm
    • Saturday 18 September 2021 from 21pm
    • Sunday 19 September 2021 from 11pm
    • Friday 24 September 2021 from 19pm
    • Saturday 25 September 2021 from 21pm
    • Sunday 26 September 2021 from 18pm
  • Prezzi:
    • Maximum ticket: €10
    • Minimum ticket: €5
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