Events for children in Naples at Easter and Easter Monday during the weekend from 30 March to 2 April 2018 | 7 tips

Events for children in Naples for Easter and Easter Monday 2018

Workshops and shows in Naples during the weekend from 30 March to 2 April 2018 among the events for children at Easter and Easter Monday.

In Naples in the weekend from 30 March to 2 April 2018 on the occasion of Easter and Easter Monday events have been organized for very joyful children that will brighten the days of celebration.

At the PAN, for example, children and teenagers will be able to participate in the PanKids, which will propose educational activities and creative workshops to help children develop their creativity.

We advise you if you want to meet your children with fairytale characters the Little Enchanted Kingdom in the Complex of San Domenico Maggiore.

Spend the Easter at the Naples Zoo it is a memory that your children will not forget over time both for the beauty of the place and for the planned activities.

Another beautiful appointment that will please families and groups of friends and relatives is the Easter Monday at the Reggia di Caserta Park.

For more information, we recommend that you read the details of the article.

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