Events for children in Naples during the weekend from 10 to 12 February 2017 | 5 tips
In the weekend from 10 to 12 February 2017 in Naples there will be fun events for children!
In weekend from 10 to 12 February 2017 in Naples families will have fun with events for children. Those who love Cirque du Soleil will appreciate the Cinderella Circus Show at the Palapartenope Theater, while for the gluttons the most suitable event is the Chocolate Festival in Piazza Carità.
For children there is also the Children's Theater which will stage Hansel & Gretel at the Mostra d'Oltremare and finally the Bicycle House, a appointment for the little ones who want to have fun with the bikes or learn how to pedal. To find out more, let's see them in detail.
Bicycle House
At the Galleria Principe the "Bike Sundays" began in the space called Bicycle House. There will be activities for children, teens and adults. For children the bike kids area with courses to learn to ride and a path in the Gallery for those who already know how to ride a bike, with a gymnastics at the end of which a driving license will be issued.
When: every Sunday of February 2017
Where: Prince of Naples Gallery, National Museum Square, (Na)
All the details in the special on Bycicle House.
Cinderella Circus Show
At the Palapartenope Theater the Spanish company "Fiesta Escenica" will stage Cinderella Circus Show, one show, suitable for the whole family, full of ballets, circus numbers, scenic actions, numbers of skills, mimicry and music. To better understand their identity we can say that they are a cross between Le Cirque du Soleil and Walt Disney.
When: the 10, the 11 and the 12 February 2017
Where: Palapartenope Theater, via Corrado Barbagallo n. 115 (Na)
Visit the article on Cinderella Circus Show to know more.
The Theater of the little ones
The Teatro dei Piccoli in collaboration with the Mostra d'Oltremare, is confirmed the home of theater, music and cinema for children proposing over 40 titles for this second season. On Sunday at 11:00 on stage “Hansel & Gretel” by the Merendoni brothers
When: until April 21 2017
Where: Mostra d'Oltremare, via Usodimare (zoo side) (Na)
Napolike has reserved you a special on the Theater of the little ones with all the info!
Festival of Chocolate
In Piazza Carità the Chocolate Festival will take place. An event that includes tastings, workshops, art, shopping, entertainment and healthy eating. For the children will be organized the Choco Play, a chocolate laboratory in which they will learn all the stages of processing. Do not miss face painting, balloon sculptures, street artists and surprise mascots.
When: from the 10 to the 14 February 2017
Where: Piazza Carità
Visit the reference article to know more.
Families at the museum in Naples
The Coopculture has organized some guided tours in the main museums of the city to bring young and old to art, culture and history. On 12/02 at the Royal Palace there will be a game visit entitled "Of Kings and Queens" during which the children will play the role of the two sovereigns and they will put the butler to the test on the history of the Palace and its treasures.