The Teatro dei Piccoli 2017 at the Mostra d'Oltremare in Naples with shows for children

The Teatro dei Piccoli 2017 at the Mostra d'Oltremare in Naples

Theater, music and lots of fun for children with Il Teatro dei Piccoli at the Mostra d'Oltremare!

From 23 January and until April 2017 returns the Teatro dei Piccoli to the Mostra d'Oltremare in Naples.

The location is a space reserved for young citizens, a house of theater, music and children's cinema, in which the public approaches the different arts, which help them to express their potential and to complete the growth process and to educate them to the sense of beauty.

The programming includes more 40 titles, including shows, concerts and theater in language, for about 120 days of work, to which must be added special projects, training activities for teachers and cultural operators, workshops for children and young people and a theater review "done" in the classroom, to complement the educational work carried out daily by the school.

Among the titles we mention Dracula, I want the moon, Cappuccett 'or blues, Beauty and the Beast and many other engaging and exciting performances.

The artistic project has the aid of the City of Naples, which has collaborated with four cultural enterprises of the city: Le Nuvole, I Teatrini, Progetto Sonora and CineTeatro La Perla.


29 January at 10.00 and 30-31 January at 11.00
The Four Seasons and Little Wind

1 and 2 February, 10.00 hours
Sing Canta Cantastorie, La Gazza Ladra, La Tarantella di Pulcinella and Alì Babà

5 February hours 11.00 and 6 February 2017 10.00 hours
I want the moon!

8 and 9 February 2017 hours 9.30 and 11.30
On the road

12 February at 11.00 and 13-14 February at 10.00
Hansel & Gretel of the Merendoni brothers

Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 February, 10.00 hours
Blues Little Hood

17 February hours 10,00 and 18 February 11,00 hours
With the Moon by the hand, the revelation of little things

19 February 2017 at 11.00 20 February 2017 at 9.30 and 11.30
The Snow Queen, a small rock opera

26 February hours 11.00 and 12.00 and 2 March hours 10.00-11.00-15.00
Inside the music: piano, pianissimo ...

3 March hours 10, 11 and 15
The cat with the boots

5 March at 11.00 and 6 March 2017 at 9.30 and 11.00

8-9 and 10 March hours 9.30 and 11.30
Cip Cip Bau Bau the language of animals

12 March 11.00 hours and 13 March 10.00 hours
Beauty and the Beast or a rose is not just a rose

14 and 15 March 10.00 hours
Jack and the magic bean

16 and 17 March 9.30 and 11.30 hours
Operastracci or sentimental education

19 March 11.00 and 12.00 hours
Cheerful, very cheerful, precipitous !!!

Monday 20 March hours 10.00, 11.00 and 15.00
The cat with the boots

21 March 10.00-11.00-15.00 and 22 March Hours 10.00-11.00-15.00
Cheerful, very cheerful, precipitous !!!

23 and 24 March, 10.00 hours
Don Quixote and Sanzio Panza

26 March 11.00 hours e 27-28 March 9.30 and 11.30 hours
Robinson Cruose. The adventure

April 2 at 11.00 and 12.00, April 3 at 10.00-11.00-15.00, April 4 at 10.00-11.00-15.00
Piano (e) strong !!!

5 April hours 10.00 and 7 April 19.00 hours
Stupidorisiko a war geography

6 and 7 April 9.30 hours
The country without words

5 April hours 10.00 and 7 April 19.00 hours
Stupidorisiko a war geography

9 April at 11.00 and 10 April at 10.00
The ugly ducklings, a show about diversity

11 and 12 April 10.00 hours
The red chicken

21 April 20.30 hours
Dracula (in English)

Information on the Teatro dei Piccoli

When: from the 23 January to the 21 April 2017

Where: Mostra d'Oltremare, via Usodimare (zoo side)

Information: Teatro dei Piccoli website

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