Guarattelle Festival in Naples: the puppet theater program
The traditional Festival of Guarattelle, with the puppet theater, will be at the Villa Comunale in Naples!
In Villa Comunale of Naples will be held on Festival of Guarattelle, an initiative dedicated to traditional puppet theater, within the broader program of Summer in Naples.
From 22 to 25 September 2016, in the Villa and also in the Casina Pompeiana (always inside the Villa) the most important exponents of this ancient Neapolitan art they will stage interesting and entertaining shows with the typical guarattelle, within a program that also includes conferences, exhibitions and photographic testimonies.
The event aims to enhance this historical tradition of our city which has always seen above all the Villa Comunale as its headquarters and which is configured as one of the most important theatrical arts rooted in our popular history.
The guarattelle are typical of the so-called puppet theater and are made with the technique of glove puppets, whose characters, from more than 5 centuries, draw inspiration from the mask bells (or Italian, in general).
During the four days of the festival they will be present two generations of Neapolitan healers who are the representatives of this art all over the world.
Festival program of the Guarattelle
September 22th
Who for these seas goes, these fish takes. Shows with schools
from 10.00 am to 13.00 pm
With the presence of the councilor for Welfare Roberta Gaeta
September 23th
There steva 'na vote there is still
to 17.00
Conference on guarattelle
to 18.00
Speakers: Salvatore Gatto (Guarattelle, Tradition alive); Bruno Leone (Guarattelle against tradition); Stefano De Mattesi (Guarattelle, history); Giulio Baffi (Guarattelle, Il teatro); Roberto Vernetti (Guarattelle, in the Municipality)
Breakfast of Cat and Lion. Show
20.00 hours
September 24th
The guarattelle of Pulcinella - Gianluca di Matteo
Pulcinella Cuntanapoli - Bruno Leone
The blue power - Alberto Russo
Pulcinella and the guarattelle tradition - Irene Vecchia
September 25th
Guarattelle Festival. Shows of guarattelle by the artists of the review
from 10.00 am to 13.00 pm
Exhibitions at the Casina Pompeiana
Testimony of the laboratory center puppets
Photographic exhibition curated by Roberto Vernetti
Guarattelle in the suburbs of the world
Personal exhibition of puppets and objects from Bruno Leone's shows
The guarattelle
Debut in Naples Prison Minorile Filangieri, 1979
Pulcinella goes to war and loses his face
Debut at the Teatro Nuovo heading for the first war in Iraq, 1991
Pulcinella against Gigi-Otto
Debut in Naples in the events that preceded the G8
Puclinella in Palestine
Birth of the show in Jerusalem in the Palestinian National Theater, 2003
Puffin Saharawi
Debut of the show in the camps of Saharawi refugees in Africa, 2006
Puppets of the Lacandon Wilderness
Laboratory held in Chiapas in Zapatist villages, 2009
Information on the Guarattelle Festival
When: from the 22 to the 25 September 2016
Where: Villa Comunale and Casina Pompeiana
Price: Loano train station
Info: site of the Municipality of Naples