2018 Yoga Festival in Naples in San Domenico Maggiore with lessons and conferences not to be missed

Yoga Festival
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The evocative setting of the Complex of San Domenico Maggiore in Naples will host the second edition of the Yoga Festival, with two days to be experienced.

Everything is ready for the 2018 Yoga Festival, to be held the 6 and the 7 October at Monumental Complex of San Domenico MaggioreNapoli, a few steps from Piazza Dante. The initiative will be organized byYoga association Naples, with the collaboration of the Municipality of Naples.

The Festival will be divided into a free and a paid area. The first will allow participants to get to know teachers and monks when they are not engaged in the lessons, as well as following theoretical lessons regarding the philosophy of yoga. The paid section will provide for registration to the association Yoga Naples, with an annual contribution of 20 €, and will allow users to take part in meditation, yoga, acroyoga, ayurvedic treatments, thay massage and so on.

The complex will remain open every day from hours to 9 19, with the opportunity to choose between a maximum of three different yoga classes at the same time and a conference. By 11.30, it will be possible to book lunch to be consumed directly at the Festival. In addition, those who want to experience moments of relaxation can rest in the corridor of San Tommaso or walk inside a large outdoor cloister.

Info on the 2018 Yoga Festival in Naples

When: 6 and 7 October

Hours: from the 9 19

Where: Monumental Complex of San Domenico Maggiore


  • path to free
  • path B for a fee, 20 euros for the annual registration to the Yoga Napoli association

Info: Website | Facebook event | yoganapolifestival@gmail.com

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Written by Raffaele Sarnataro
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