GF Vip 7: Oriana Marzoli and Daniele Dal Moro, first live together

Daniel and Oriana

Oriana Marzoli, arrivata seconda al GF Vip 7 dopo la vincitrice Nikita Pelizon, dopo l’uscita dalla casa più spiata d’Italia ha potuto riabbracciare il “fidanzato” Daniele Dal Moro. I due, stamattina, si sono mostrati nella prima stories insieme e hanno fatto una confessione. Ecco quale.

Evening of emotions at GF VIP 7 where, after a clash at the last televoting, Nikita Pelizon è stata eletta vincitrice della settima edizione. Second place instead for oriana marzoli, who, however, despite the "disappointment" of not being able to conquer the top of the podium, did not come out of the most spied-on house empty-handed.

Indeed, in the early hours of the morning, the beautiful Venezuelan showed herself in bed with Daniele Dal Moro, her "boyfriend", whom she was able to hug again after leaving the Big Brother Vip. The two, in the first stories of this morning, showed themselves very happy and excited:

"It's incredible, it's a quarter past 9 and we still haven't gone to sleep."

Oriana Marzoli and Daniele Dal Moro together again, the first words after the final

Continuing with her speech, Marzoli also revealed how she spent her time immediately after end of GF Vip 7:

“We hugged, kissed. Daniele is very tender, how cute. Anyway tomorrow I'll thank you in a nice way, I'm taking my time, now I'm enjoying this moment. Daniele doesn't want to go to sleep because he wants to hug me. How heavy!”

Finally the Oriele, as they have been nicknamed during this edition, have added another story, in which we see oriana marzoli joking with friend Edward Tavassi:

“Does anyone need to get a nice little tattoo?”

A comment said while Tavassi, thanks to a photomontage, exhibited a tattoo of Oriana Marzoli and Daniele Dal Moro together.

Read also:

GF Vip 7, Nikita after the victory. The speech and the party

GF Vip 7, what time does it end? When they announce the winner

GF Vip 7, Edoardo Tavassi eliminated during the final!

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Written by Frances Orelli
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