Green Pass at the pharmacy: here's how to get it in Campania

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There are still many people confused about the methods available to citizens for request / download the Green Pass. After the latest news on new obligations concerning green certification, a real race has begun to be able to obtain it.

However, not everyone knows that, in addition to the multiple telematic methods, there are also other systems to obtain the Green Pass without resorting to the use of a computer or smartphone. In fact, just think about people of a certain age who are unable to use these means easily without the need to ask third parties for a hand.

The green pass can also be obtained at the pharmacy

You can not only go to your GP, or pediatrician, but also simply go to one pharmacy. Through pharmacist it will in fact be possible to obtain the green certificate. All you have to do is bring yours with you health insurance card and that's it: the recovery of the Green Pass will be practically instant and will be delivered in paper format or, if you prefer, in digital format. Available in various languages: Italian and English or also in French and German.

To confirm this methodology is also Fedefarma. Finally, remember that the issue of the Green Pass is completely Delivery to Italy takes one or two business days.

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Written by Napolike
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