In Campania, end-of-quarantine swabs are done by the general practitioner

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Good news regarding the rapid end-of-quarantine swabs in Campania: the Region has decided that yes they can also be carried out by the general practitioner.

It was communicated by Pina Tommasielli, the doctor of the Crisis Unit of the Region e the agreement was signed on January 25, 2022. In this way, the work of the ASL will be lightened, which are always struggling with the carrying out of tampons and also with the administration of vaccines.

We are talking, let's repeat it, about gods quick swabs and the cost to the general practitioner will be 10 €.

How to get the swab from the GP

Il general practitioner will have to ascertain the recovery of the patient by entering all relevant information on the dedicated platform. Therefore, it is essential that the general practitioner decides the end of the quarantine because he is able to understand the clinical picture of the patient.

After that will carry out the swab to the patient e will eventually determine the end of the quarantine. Recall that we speak of quick swabs.

In summary, it proceeds as follows:

  • il patient discovers he is positive to Covid-19 because he carried out a swab;
  • remains in quarantine for 7 days if you have no symptoms and for 10 days if you have symptoms;
  • after this period, call your GP and book a quick swab;
  • not only that, the doctor makes the swab and ascertains the patient's healing conditions;
  • inserts everything into the platform e if the swab is negative and the patient is symptom-free, decrees the end of quarantine.

The agreement will be valid for every general practitioner e if someone can't do it, for example for health reasons or because not available, then it will be another doctor to replace him.

What to do in case of a stop on the way to the doctor

In the event that, during the quarantine, you go to the general practitioner to be examined and to swab for the eventual end of quarantine, it will be sufficient to communicate to the authority that one is justified exactly for this reason.

It will also be the doctor who justifies the exit, possibly speaking with the authority that contacts him for confirmation.

So it will not be a problem in this case to leave the house to go to the doctor.

The swab is only for the quarantine end

Tommasielli has made it clear that this agreement will be valid only for quick swabs made to ascertain the end of the quarantine e not for those aiming to have the Green Pass if you are not vaccinated.

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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