Circumvesuviana Sarno accident, partial stop of the line

Circumvesuviana of Naples
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Today, an unexpected event shook the travelers' routine of the Vesuviana Naples-Sarno line. A terrible one accident between the stations of Casilli and Terzigno led to the suspension of the line.

What happened

There is no updated information yet, we only know that a “investment” but neither the dynamics nor the people involved are clear, given that EAV did not provide information.

At the moment we only know that a man of around 40 years old was hit by the train at the Casillo level crossing, perhaps in a suicide attempt.

The current situation: important changes

Due to the accident, the train service between San Giuseppe Vesuviano and Terzigno has been interrupted. For those who left Naples this morning, the journey stopped earlier than expected, right in San Giuseppe Vesuviano.

Replacement buses

To reduce inconvenience, a replacement bus service. These buses are acting as a sort of “moving bridge” to connect the interrupted sections of the line, offering travelers an alternative solution to reach their destinations.

The list of replacement buses is available on the EAV website on the dedicated page.

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Written by Gennaro Marchesi
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