Lungomare di Napoli, the Porzio pizzeria opens instead of Mc Donald's: symbolic prices for the needy

cooked pizza

Errico Porzio, the famous pizza maker of Naples, continues to expand with the opening of new pizzerias. In the last fifteen years he has opened about fifteen venues that present three different formats, namely Errico Porzio, to Solito Porzio e Portions of Pizza.

The new venue, as announced by himself via a social video, will be located on Waterfront of Naples, in the spaces that were initially supposed to house a fast food chain McDonald's. Here you can taste a very special pizza that really satisfies all palates, let's go from the classics to the more original ones, including also the Pizza Poker, with four flavours, one of which is fried, a journey through the flavors of the culinary tradition of Naples.

Tables for the most needy

In Errico Porzio's new restaurant in Naples there will also be a wonderful novelty, it is a people's room, entitled “It's great and it's not pava”, clearly dedicated to Andrew, one of his young employees disappeared for a few months, this was in fact the phrase he repeated in every video.

There will be some in this hall tables reserved for the most needy, to those who are more in difficulty, who will be able to enjoy an excellent pizza at truly ridiculous prices. Really one beautiful initiative!

The words of Errico Porzio

In this video message, available on the pizza chef's social pages, Errico Porzio states that there will be no challenges between pizza chefs, in fact these have been her words:

There will be no challenge either with Gino Sorbillo or with any other pizza maker. Errico Porzio will open on the seafront because it is the business card, it is the dream of every Neapolitan pizza maker. All the tourists pass by the promenade. There will be no challenge, in Naples there is room for everyone both thanks to tourists and thanks to the Neapolitans. Put aside malice, meanness and be proud. Long live the pizza.

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