Monument to Maradona in Poggioreale: a statue among Illustrious Men


Diego Armando Maradona: a statue among the Illustrious Men at the Poggioreale cemetery in Naples to pay homage to his memory!

Only two days have passed since his death and the city of Naples continues to mourn the loss of his idol, Diego Armando Maradona, the one who wrote the football history Neapolitan and beyond.

The statue for Maradona in Poggioreale

Just to pay homage to his memory, the Neapolitan citizens have made many proposals including that of erecting a funeral monument in his honor in the so-called Square of the Illustrious in the cemetery of Poggioreale.

In particular, this one proposal started with the funeral entrepreneur Gennaro Tammaro and the cemetery operator Alessio Castiello who in these last hours have launched a online petition to ensure that the mayor of Naples, Luigi De Magistris and the municipal administration of Naples welcome this initiative.

If the proposal is accepted a statue dedicated to Pibe de oro will be erected there where other important personalities rest including Salvatore Di Giacomo, Vincenzo Gemito, Benedetto Croce, the Presidents of the Republic Enrico De Nicola and Giovanni Leone.

We remind you that the proposal to name the stadium after Maradona.

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