Pietro Caputo wakes up from Coma, the young man's conditions are stable

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A tragic news wounds the town of Torre del Greco, Francesco Mazzacane, a young man from Torrese who was in Milan for an internship, died at the age of 24.

Pietro Caputo's condition is serious at the moment, currently hospitalized, but he is out of danger and came out of a coma on November 14th. His conditions seem positive and he has given us hope, he has also talked to family and medical staff and is perfectly conscious.

The cause of Francesco's death: carbon monoxide poisoning, but it's not the boys' fault

Apparently Pietro and Francesco had been at a residence in Milan for 6 days, obtained in agreement thanks to the internship that Francesco was doing these days at a Milanese company.

The boiler room from which the loss of carbon monoxide that poisoned the two young people, fatal for Francesco, could have taken place.
The boiler room seems to have been located on the lower floor with respect to the room that the boys occupied at the time of the tragedy.

Parental apprehension and discovery

To discover the couple at 12:30 were some friends who had gone to the structure following a contact by the parents of the two young people, worried as they had not been able to find their children for many hours.

The exchange of identity, the communication of the death of Pietro then retracted

A mere chance had led at first to believe that the deceased boy was Pietro, as the investigators who arrived at the scene had found Pietro's documents on the bedside table on the side of the missing boy.

Only at the moment of the parents' recognition of the body did the mistaken identity be traced back: the dead boy was Francesco.

The Milan Public Prosecutor's Office is investigating for manslaughter and an autopsy has been ordered

In charge of the investigations, PM Luigi Luzi of the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office, according to ANSA a file will be opened for manslaughter and negligent injuries, and an autopsy on Francesco's body will also be scheduled.

Apparently, a boiler exhaust pipe has come loose leading to the spread of carbon monoxide in the rooms in front.
In any case, the investigations on the offending boiler room will continue.

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