Naples: the Allianz Arena stadium in Munich arrives at Piazza Dante

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Allianz Arena Tour at Piazza Dante for a charity initiative

The Allianz Arena Tour also arrives in Naples with a mega-reproduction of the famous stadium and a charity initiative to contribute to the anti-architectural barrier fund

Tomorrow, Monday 14 October 2013in Piazza Dante will be set up, from 10 am to 18 pm, a mega-reproduction of the famous Allianz Arena stadium in Munich! This is the Neapolitan stage of theAllianz Arena Tour, with which the insurance company Allianz is transporting around 30 Italian cities one of the symbols of football worldwide.

The initiative is aimed at promoting the beneficial project A goal for a smile, created in collaboration with Umana Mente, the foundation created by Allianz in 2001 for the support and assistance of the most vulnerable and which offers management support to non-profit organizations.

Inside the Allianz Arena "stadium" set up in the square there will be meetings with the distributive force, while outside, anyone can try to "score a goal". Each ball that scores will contribute to symbolically finance a fund opened by the company to support local projects aimed at break down architectural barriers in the host city.

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Written by Valentina D'Andrea
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