Naples, postponed the 5 February 2014 strike
The 5 February 2014 strike was postponed due to bad weather
Lo 5 February 2014 strike was postponed because of the bad weather that is affecting our country these days and that is generating serious problems of mobility.
Of course, even to Napoli the strike will be suspended and public transport will walk regularly.
This was announced by the unions Filt, Cgil, Fit, Cisl, Uiltrasporti, Ugl Fna and Faisa-Cisal through a joint note. The same have also announced that the strike will be carried out but to date to be destined, also because the adverse weather conditions should last at least for the whole week in progress.
Therefore, all the means of the EAV societies, including cumana and circumvesuviana, ANM, CTP and metronology, including funiculars, will circulate regularly following the usual times.