Patrizia and Enzo Sangue Blu di Gomorra at Comicon 2019 in Naples: the meeting with the stars of the series

Patrizia blood blue

At Comicon 2019 in Naples come the protagonists of the Gomorra series Patrizia and Enzo Sangue Blu for a special meeting with fans

The Comicon 2019 of Naples does not stop giving emotions to all fans of films and TV series, it was in fact announced a meeting with the protagonists of the Gomorra series, Patrizia and Enzo Sangue Blu, for Saturday 27 April 2019  to the Mostra d'Oltremare.

The appointment is for Saturday 27 April at 14.00 pm at the auditorium of the Mediterranean Theater at the Mostra d'Oltremare, where the special meeting with the actors will take place Cristiana Dell'Anna and Arturo Muselli, in art Patrizia and Enzo Sangue Blu, protagonists of the Gomorra series. After conquering the Italian and foreign critics, the two artists finally meet the public of their city, Naples.

The fourth season of Gomorrah has recently successfully debuted with an original Sky production and it is thanks to the collaboration of Sky Atlantic Italia that the two actors will be guests of the Comicon 2019.

Information on the Comicon 2019

Where: Mostra d'Oltremare, via JFKennedy 54 - via Terracina 197 - Via A.Usodimare - Piazzale Tecchio


  • Patrizia and Enzo Sangue Blu the 27 April 2019
  • Comicon from 25 to 28 April 2019


  • Patrizia and Enzo Sangue Blu: 14.00
  • Ticket office: 09: 00 - 18: 00
  • Comicon: 10: 00 - 19: 00

Comicon entrance fees:

  • 4 subscription days: 25 € (sold out)

  • day ticket: 12 €

  • reduced under 12 and over 65: 8 €

Info: Comicon site

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