The crazy SantaCon in Naples for Christmas 2014

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Neapolitan Christmas will be tinged with fun and cheerfulness with SantaCon 2014, the craziest celebration of the year!

Coming to Naples, the Christmas party made in the USA more crazy of the year. Saturday 13 December 2014 the Gran Cafè Cannavacciuolo of Pozzuoli it will be the starting point of SantaCon Naples 2014, the crazy and unscrupulous gathering of Santa Claus, reindeer, elves and snowmen.

For those who do not know, SantaCon He was born in San Francisco about ten years ago and still today it looks like a rambling mass of people, in Christmas costumes, running around the streets throwing gifts, singing and hugging passers-by, under the exuberant effect of liters and liters of beer and cider.

Unlike the original event, which is proposed exclusively as a bizarre chaos and outside the conventions, the Neapolitan event, as in the previous edition, will present itself with as many crazy, fun and festive tones but with the noble intent to do beneficence to the most unfortunate children.

Also in Pozzuoli the participants will have to present themselves rigorously dressed up as Christmas characters and as a ticket they will have to present a toy new to donate to charitable associations for children.

Obviously, in the wake of the American event, it will be a must to party and revel throughout the night at the pubs that will join the event and in all the streets of Puteola.


To participate in the mega-party in respect and decorum, the Neapolitan Santacon provides 5 conditions very precise to follow to the letter.

SantaCon 2014 Rules:

  1. You must come disguised !! Just putting on a Christmas hat is not enough, you have to get into the spirit of SantaCon! So the crazier and more irreverent your Christmas dress, the better. We recommend, as we will be outdoors and indoors, to dress in layers.
  2. Do not scare children (bring candy to donate) respected parents, tourists and traders. Respect the police. Do not throw coal even if a politician passes by
  3. Santa Claus can also drink a little, but must have respect for the dress he wears, a symbol of love and joy! So he can not get drunk too much, he risks hurting him and his neighbors! Drink responsibly! Remember that Santa Claus does not drink and guide, so arrange to sleep at a friend's house if you intend to lift your elbow a lot!
  4. SantaCon is done in stages and is a path where you cross the city and touch the bars of a pre-established path. Until the end the bars will not be known except the initial one. So try to come on time and once in a group, try to stay in a group and do not disperse, and always give an eye to your companions!
  5. Remember that participation condition is come with a new, unwrapped toy that will go more unfortunate children than us !!!

Information on SantaCon Napoli 2014:

When: Saturday 13 December 2014
Where: Gran Cafè Cannavacciuolo, via Carlo Maria Rosini, 10, 80078 Pozzuoli
Schedule: 21:00

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Written by Bruna Di Matteo
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