May XNUMXst in Nabilah: virtual party on the Roman beach of Bacoli
Image Home edition at Nabilah for May 2020st XNUMX: a great virtual party full of sounds and suggestions!
Friday May 2020st XNUMX will be held from hours 11: 00 18 at: 00 a great and fun virtual party broadcast by Nabilah, on the beach Roman of Bacoli.
A big party, respecting the safety rules to limit the infection of the Coronavirus, with the aim of spreading peace, share optimism, hope and life.
Image Home edition at Nabilah
The Imagine Home edition to be held at Nabilah on May 2020st XNUMX will also be attended by radio with the crossposting of the live broadcast, in which everyone can participate by connecting via Apps, tablets and smart-phones on the Facebook page of Nabilah.
From the ancient Roman beach there will be a console that will play live with three exceptional professionals: from 11:00 to 12:00 it will be there Joan ribas who will play Balearic Sound / IP Sound, from 16:00 to 17:00 it will be the turn of DJ Aura with its Electro sound and finally, from 17:00 to 18:00 the sunset ritual will be celebrated with Dj Headband and his 60s, 70s music.