Stop to cars in Piazza degli Artisti and in Antignano from 15 to 19 November

Photo of Piazza degli Artisti in Naples taken from google maps
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A new one was officially established temporary traffic device for transit in Piazza degli Artisti and via San Gennaro in Antignano, specifically in the stretch of via Luca Giordano and via Giovanni Merliani, to carry out some excavation works for e-distribution from Tuesday 15 to Saturday 19 November 2022. Unfortunately, due to the size of the carriageway and the two-way traffic, traffic will be completely closed.

The traffic device, in summary, provides

From Tuesday 15 to Saturday 19 November 2022 the following block:

1) prohibition of vehicular transit in Piazza degli Artisti in the section between via Giuseppe Recco and via San Gennaro ad Antignano, with the exception of rescue and emergency vehicles and law enforcement vehicles (vehicular transit will be regularly permitted in the roundabout);

2) prohibition of vehicular transit in the lane of via San Gennaro in Antignano that Piazza degli Artisti leads to via Giovanni Merliani, with the exception of rescue and emergency vehicles and police vehicles.

This is what the director communicated on the website of the Municipality of Naples

Given that for the construction of a new section of medium voltage power line, the E-Distribuzione company will have to carry out excavation works from 15 to 19 November 2022 in via San Gennaro ad Antignano, in the paved section between via Luca Giordano and via Giovanni Merliani;

Having acknowledged that in the joint inspection of 04/10/2022 the representatives of the Local Police UO Vomero / Arenella, the Soc. E-Distribuzione, the Soc. ANM and the Technical Activities UO of the Municipality 5, found the impossibility of carrying out the aforementioned open traffic works due to the small size of the roadway and the two-way traffic in force there, have agreed to prohibit vehicular transit in the section of Piazza degli Artisti between via Giuseppe Recco and via Luca Giordano and in the lane of via San Gennaro to Antignano which from Piazza degli Artisti leads to via Giovanni Merliani, in order to allow the realization of the planned works; Considering that, in order to allow the execution of the works in question, it is necessary to adopt the regulation of temporary traffic referred to in the dispositive part of this deed; Having read the Ministerial Decree 10/07/2002 “Technical regulations relating to the signposting schemes, differentiated by road category, to be adopted for temporary signaling” that the company carrying out the works will take care to implement; Given the provision of the Deputy General Manager of the Technical Area, prot. n. PG / 2014/0291749 of 09/04/2014, concerning the adoption of ordinances pursuant to art. 6, 7 and 188 of the CdS; Given the legislative decree 285/1992 and the legislative decree 267/2000;

Image credits: google maps
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Written by Andrew Navarro
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