Funiculars of Naples

The latest updates
Strike in Naples of Metro 1, Buses and Funiculars on 18 September

Strike in Naples of Metro 1, Buses and Funiculars on 18 September

14 September 2023

Strike of Metro Line 1, Buses and Funiculars in Naples on 24 July

Strike of Metro Line 1, Buses and Funiculars in Naples on 24 July

July 21 2023

Transport strike on 7 July: Metro Line 1, Buses and Funiculars

Transport strike on 7 July: Metro Line 1, Buses and Funiculars

July 05 2023

Strike of Metro Line 1, funiculars and buses on May 26, stop 24h
Updates on public transport and closed roads

Strike of Metro Line 1, funiculars and buses on May 26, stop 24h

May 18, 2023

Scudetto party Naples, transport: non-stop metro for the night

Scudetto party Naples, transport: non-stop metro for the night

April 28 2023

Strike February 17: stop metro line 1, buses, trams and funiculars

Strike February 17: stop metro line 1, buses, trams and funiculars

February 13 2023

Strike December 16: stop metro line 1, buses, trams and funiculars

Strike December 16: stop metro line 1, buses, trams and funiculars

December 12 2022

Metro line 1, bus and Funiculars in Naples non-stop at Christmas and New Year's Eve: a great novelty

Metro line 1, bus and Funiculars in Naples non-stop at Christmas and New Year's Eve: a great novelty

Published November 15, 2022

Metro strike line 1, Funiculars and buses in Naples on 16 September 2022: timetables

Metro strike line 1, Funiculars and buses in Naples on 16 September 2022: timetables

15 September 2022

Train strike in Naples on 9 September: timetables and the situation of ANM, EAV and Trenitalia

Train strike in Naples on 9 September: timetables and the situation of ANM, EAV and Trenitalia

08 September 2022

Tickets ANM and Unico Campania, the price increases arrive
Updates on public transport and closed roads

Tickets ANM and Unico Campania, the price increases arrive

July 28 2022

Chiaia funicular in Naples: runs only direct
Updates on public transport and closed roads

Chiaia funicular in Naples: runs only direct

July 08 2022