plart museum

The latest updates
Bruno Munari on show in Naples at the Plart Foundation: the colors of light

Bruno Munari on show in Naples at the Plart Foundation: the colors of light

December 03 2018

At the Plart Foundation in Naples

The hair tells the Plart Museum, a book with cocktail party to support the Pausilipon Santobono

The hair tells the Plart Museum, a book with cocktail party to support the Pausilipon Santobono

Published on October 26, 2017

At Plart Museum, Naples

2017 Contemporary Weekend in Naples and Campania with contemporary art paths

2017 Contemporary Weekend in Naples and Campania with contemporary art paths

May 10, 2017

Prima Turismo in Chiaia and Posillipo with snorkeling, guided tours, exhibitions and theater

Prima Turismo in Chiaia and Posillipo with snorkeling, guided tours, exhibitions and theater

Published on 06 April 2017

Near Naples

2016 Contemporary Day in Naples: free museums and events

2016 Contemporary Day in Naples: free museums and events

October 11, 2016

International Design Festival in Naples

International Design Festival in Naples

October 08, 2014

Museums and cultural sites of Naples, 2014 summer schedules
August in Naples

Museums and cultural sites of Naples, 2014 summer schedules

July 24 2014

AppTripper: the app to discover the cities of art following the emotions

AppTripper: the app to discover the cities of art following the emotions

July 04 2013